
back from the white mountains (arizona)

i just returned from a phenomenal backpacking trip to the white mountains. if you live anywhere near the four corners / northern arizona, you should check it out. i couldn't get over how green and lush it was and the clouds, my heavens...

i didn't take any knitting with me, but i did launch right back into it upon returning. while i'm drooling over the new zephyrstyle patterns, i'm forcing myself to finish the rams horn jacket first. one more sleeve and the back to go.. oh, and the collar. damn. i think i'm gonna really love it, though...


FO: cool hemp ponchette

i hate that i knitted something called a "ponchette", but i do like it. alas, it is destined to be gifted to a friend of mine - hope she likes it to!

the hemp was a new and interesting experience - kind of stiff, kind of waxy, but i really liked it and i loove the color i choose. this was a super fast and super easy knit and ordering the kit from kpixie was fast and fun - i recommend it to all the poncho-knitting knitters out there!